- ABC 社ライセンス契約の封筒に入れる
enclose in an abc license agreement envelope 意味
- "enclose an offer pertaining to" 意味
- "enclose an order" 意味
- "enclose an order form for someone to complete and return without delay" 意味
- "enclose copies of both one's english and japanese resumes" 意味
- "enclose credit information" 意味
- "enclose in inverted commas" 意味
- "enclose money in a letter" 意味
- "enclose new additions to the material provided earlier" 意味
- "enclose one executed copy and retaining one for one's records" 意味
- "enclose copies of both one's english and japanese resumes" 意味
- "enclose credit information" 意味
- "enclose in inverted commas" 意味
- "enclose money in a letter" 意味